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Provider Resources

Find the provider manual here, as well as information about how to contact your provider network services representative.

Quick Provider Resource Contacts

Claims Research Team
Provider Network Services Team
Provider Portal Support

Provider Manual

From claim appeals to authorizations and referrals, our provider manual includes information you need to know. This provider manual is revised as needed. As such, some policies and procedures may have changed since that time. If you have any questions regarding any of the information in this manual, please contact your provider network services representative.

Cover image for the Colorado Access Provider Manual

Important Updates & Provider Newsletters

We send out periodic newsletters to our providers by email. You can also find recent editions below. Each edition contains important news related to Colorado Access and our members. If you are not already receiving our provider newsletter, please send an email to that includes the following information:

  • Practice/Provider name
  • Email address (preferably a practice email address, not a staff email)

Provider Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get Synagis for my patients?

Complete Synagis prior authorization form and fax to Navitus at 855-668-8551. You will receive a fax indicating approval or denial of prior authorization determination is made. If request is approved, fax order for Synagis to Lumicera Specialty Pharmacy at 855-847-3558. If you wish to have a home health agency administer Synagis to your patient, please indicate that the medication will be shipped to the patient’s home on your order. Upon receipt of Synagis order indicating that medication will be shipped to patient’s home, Lumicera will fax a home health request to Colorado Access utilization management (UM) team to set up the services. Our UM team will work to set up a home health agency to visit the patient’s home and administer the medication.

Is Synagis covered by Colorado Access?

Synagis is covered for eligible patients through the Colorado Access pharmacy benefit. The specific criteria for approval can be found here. Prior authorization forms should be faxed to Navitus at 855-668-8551.